Soft Drinks should be BANNED

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

These soft drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi etc. were recently in the news for having found pesticides in them which are far above the safe level of consumption. Actually these pesticides are in the water table bcoz of the excessive use of them in the farms and other areas. Companies shud need to check these levels and equip themselves wid the best water treatment plants. Although i hv heard that there are no such rules to check the quantity of pestisides in the soft drinks in other countries bt here in INDIA we need these rules as the water here contains a lot of these harmul chemicals. There was a wide spread protest against the presence of these chemicals in the soft drinks all over India. Even the schools have been banned frm serving these aerated drinks in the canteen. I dont know much bout other countries but they should also start looking at this as this is the future of human health.